Monday, October 27, 2008

Bono is a Douche Bag

And I'm glad, finally, I'm not the only one not dazzled by Bono's pyrite Halo:

"I noticed that this article from this past week didn't get diaried, and it definitely should have. Bono's going to be joining the NY Times's op-ed page.

I'm not a particular fan of Bono's music (sorry, I know it's technically well done), and even less of a fan of his politics. Sure, he goes around talking about poverty, but he seems much more interested with letting people feel good about their wealth than actually solving the crisis.

Take his (red) brand, for instance, which was supposed to raise money to fight AIDS in Africa. It's nice, and with each item sending 10% of the profits to charity, it was a spin-off of those yogurt companies that give several cents a yogurt to fight breast cancer.

But, as AdAge reported last year, it didn't even come close to making up for advertising costs associated with promoting the idea. Instead, we were treated to Oprah declaring that "shopping is giving," running around to stores buying up (red) iPods and cell phones to promote the brand.

Then there's his status as a tax exile..."

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