Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Maddow's Law

Godwin's Law, as you may know,asserts that the longer a thread goes, the possibility of a Hitler or Nazi comparision increaseas. This is applicable:

"... especially to inappropriate, inordinate, or hyperbolic comparisons of other situations (or one's opponent) with Hitler or Nazis or their actions."

Last night, Rachel Maddow made reference to it last night while describing the latest, lamest,and most desperate of GOP talking points: The Obama is a Socialist (or today, a communist). One only has to troll any political website, and this fact has been abundantly truth for months.

Because Obama is not a socialist or a communist, as any socialist or communist would tell you, I propose a new law, which I suppose we should name after Maddow, who noticed the analogy:

Maddow's Law states that the longer any open discussion of the political position of Democrat, the liklihood that a Limbaugh dittohead will post anonymously and state that said candidate is a socialist or communist increases to the point of certainty.

This applies to the inappropriate, inordinate, or hyperbolic comparisons of other situations (or one's opponent) with socialists, communists or various Leninist/Stalinist/Maoists or their actions, especially on the campaign trail-thus, feeding the dittoheads in a closed system.


  1. I'm beginning to wonder what comes next from the GOP. They've already used up "socialist" and "communist" out of desperation. Perhaps the only thing left they can accuse Obama of is being the antichrist. And I wouldn't put it past the Republican party for one minute.

  2. Sorry Mary...


  3. There's also the probability that any any argument against extreme right-wing policy will be met with "Well, what about Muslims? Why don't you say something about them?"
