Tuesday, December 23, 2008


A little Christmas paranoia...

"LIMBAUGH: Who’s benefiting? Aside from the people being bailed out. The Democrat party and Barack Obama are benefiting.

They got elected, they increased their numbers in the House, they increased their numbers in the Senate, they got the White House now, and they’ve got a crisis that people think can only be fixed with the all-mighty and powerful government interceding to save this or to save that, when in fact, the government is going to nationalize the automobile industry. It’s going to nationalize some banks. It’s going to nationalize the mortgage industry, and may end up nationalizing the automobile industry."


  1. It would be too much to ask that Limbaugh actually deal even remotely with reality. On the bright side, these increasingly idiotic predictions are a sign that his audience drifting farther and farther from mainstream Americans.

  2. Limbaugh is a complete and total cunt.

    - Dale
