Tuesday, May 30, 2006


It's been a crazy weekend. It's been a crazy month (more on this later). It'll be a crazy week (to my collegues in comp and lit departments, you know what I mean). Lots been happenin'.

Anyway, like alot of people, I partied my ass off this weekend. However, its important to consider, yesterday or today, those who gave up their right to party, so that we can:

"CLINTON, N.J.--If we are willing to commit our best and brightest young people to fight wars on foreign soil, whether against radical Islamist terrorists or enemies not yet known, then we most certainly should prepare to honor these warriors on their return. That honor means more than parades and platitudes--it means quality health care, job training if needed, and monitoring their difficult transition back to ordinary civilian life.

On this Memorial Day weekend, we must not forget its purpose: to pay tribute to our fallen soldiers, from the frozen fields of Valley Forge to the hot fires of Fallujah."

Folks, this means more than ribbon decals. More than flags. More than saying "I support the troops."

Supporting the troops means not forgetting them after the parade ends. Lives are lost or ruined in wars, yet the Bush Administration cuts V.A. benefits. Vets can't even get a tombstone plaque or a real bugler. Is this anyway to treat our "heroes".

Maybe the problem is with the idea, the label "heroes". Such a term has alot of metaphysical weight, and it is easy to objectify, and thus, make unreal, like super-people or something.

The best thing you can do, in my estimation, is to chuck the idea of heroes. These men and women are HUMAN BEINGS, who sacrificed, and want nothing more than to try and get on with life if they can, or if they can't, they would want their loved ones taken care of.

We treat our Vets shamefully, disgracefully. They are the most exploited persons in this country, and yet, we throw 'em a parade, tell 'em we love 'em, and then allow their benefits to be cut, all because some asshole in a suit, in front of a flag, says that they are "heroes", but does everything to insure that they aren't treated like human beings.

As the Human Being Lawnmower keeps chopping at the youth, keep this in mind.


  1. Well put. If every asshole with one of those yellow (or red, white and blue) ribbon magnets on his or her car would write a letter demanding reinstatement of benefits for vets, they might actually accomplish the kind of support they so readily pay lip service to.

  2. But, but...if they reinstate veterans' benefits, they might have to get rid of one of the tax cuts that allows me to keep the Small Penis Compensa...erm, Hummer that I've got all them yellow ribbons on! Them ribbons is a bigger deal than benefits anyway - after all, how will people know what a Good American I am if I don't have a place for these ribbons?

    {/wingnut logic}

