Thursday, June 15, 2006

Flag Burning

Bob Kerrey has something to say about it.

It's funny, really, in a sad, tragic way: The NeoCon project burns down the country, and destabilizes the world, making Americans unsafe abroad and at home. Very Nero-Like to do they, the NeoCons and their Republican cronies, trivialize the world they've created with cynical politicking. Flag burning? It's just another attempt to make metaphysical the physical in order to justify their dangerous nationalist program. When the people are not free to dispense with idols, the idols do become cruel, mocking gods.

Have a look at Jello's Pledge of Allegiance.

1 comment:

  1. Kerrey's last paragraph says it all: "All the more reason, then, for patriotism to turn aside the understandable impulse to protect our flag by degrading the constitutional freedoms for which it stands. Real patriotism cannot be coerced. Our freedom to speak was attacked -- not our flag. The former, not the latter, needs the protection of our Constitution and our laws."
