Thursday, July 13, 2006

Not one for Conspiracy Theories, but...

Hincty, no?

Say hello to Ken.


  1. Bloody Scots radges connected with Texans.

    For an eye-opening experience, see the documentary Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room.

    -A bloody Scot descendant

  2. When I heard about Ken Lay's unexpected death the very first thought I had was that if anybody had the wherewithall to fake his death and get away with the money, it was him. He's super-wealthy, has influence with a Whitehouse that openly describes itself as being above the law, and he himself has criminal tendencies. It seems obvious to me, and I don't doubt this Brit was whacked by Ken Lay's goons.

  3. Don't forget the "suicide" of Clifford Baxter.
