Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Katrina: 1 YEAR.

Audacity? You be the judge:

"When he visited Betsy's Pancake House on a tour of New Orleans, one of the waitresses asked him: 'Mr President, are you going to turn your back on me?'

'No ma'am, not again', the president promised. People in the restaurant laughed but many of the city's residents, particularly black people, believe they were abandoned when Katrina struck."

The insinuation is that they were abandoned. They were abandoned.

While watching Spike Lee's excellent When The Levees Broke (which I encourage everyone to see), I was struck by Al Sharpton's criticism of the media referring to the victims as "refugees", arguing that refugees are "people with out countries, and these people are Americans."

I certainly appreciate Sharpton's point, and I feel he did the right thing by reminding the media and the government that they are Americans.

It is possible, however, to take another view of this: Maybe in Bush's "America", the dispossessed poor in New Orleans are refugees. Maybe alot of us are: It sure doesn't feel like my country much.

Anyway, in their inimitable way, the godly folks at, read between the lines.

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