Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Good for you, man. This is, well, kinda important.

via Huffington Post.

UPDATE: Reward for a job "well done".


  1. This is an interesting discussion of the difference between liberals and progressives.

  2. What an astounding action by that guy. Now let's see others follow his lead.

  3. This guy KICKS-ASS! I wish him all the best and hope that he finds a savvy law firm (because he'll need a BIG one) to further expose the money-grabbing hypocrisy endemic in defense contracting.

    By the way, while working in Cryptographic Communications in the Corps, during which I held an Interim Top Secret Clearance, I can personally vouch for having witnessed blatant disregard for oversight procedures and for security breeches of various kinds--not to mention instances of gross waste of taxpayer dollars with little or no restitution by the offending party(ies).

    For example, we had a guy in our Headquarters Communications Company steal a hand-held radio with encrypted technology, and it wasn't until he was discharged and OUT of the Marine Corps that he was finally busted in NYC by the CIA for trying to sell it to the Russian military (this was back in the early '8os in Reagan's era). The fact that he was able to steal it in the first place--having stashed it in his cargo pocket while the entire Company, including him!, scoured the field exercise location--points to how the military is so gargantuan that its accountability procedures suck. Just one example...

    But I think the common average American believes that we already have the most advanced military on the planet, so what's a few breeches and oversights here and there, eh?

    Carry on,
