Monday, September 25, 2006

Somebody's got a case of the Mondays...

After the elation of watching the Bengals take it to the Steelers yesterday, I'm feeling a little ill at ease, slightly nauseated.

It could be black coffee: I was up all night trying to elucidate my pedagogical philosophy and praxis, so that I can continue to go to the doctor and pay my rent.

It certainly isn't the same reason these guys might feel slightly nauseated (Yes folks, a stupid move on their part, but most of us have probably been in a similar situation. Plus, Chris Henry wasn't driving, thank God. I really hope a federal case isn't made out of this).

It's kind of a mixture of dread, paranoia, loathing, angst? Like something is not quite right. I feel slightly dirty, yet I have showered twice in twelve hours (don't ask: It's a midnight lamp ritual of mine).'s definately dread. Am I just freaking out about the reappointment process, and my dossiers effectiveness toward that end? Maybe...

Oh wait! Now I know what it is!



  1. True, I could see how dubbya's visit could cast a pall on anyone living in the Tri-State area. W's "base" is in Indian Hill, after all.

    Depite whatever midnight lamp rituals, I'm not going to blow sunshine up your ass about the dossier submission--basically because you don't need that, Bro. Like comps, quals, or a thesis or dissertaion defense, it seems the worst part about it all is the angst (or dread) that builds up in anticipation of possible (not probable) failure.

    C'mon, man. Those jack-asses need you over there. You and I both know that.

    Git 'er done.


  2. dumb fuckers. that is all I can say. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
