The malaprop (or Freudian Slip?) of a county worker best sums up HBO's thoroughly disturbing Hacking Democracy.
This documentary, illustrating the efforts of the fine folks at BlackBox Voting , was a kind of visual shpilkes for the thick, ignoble scab that was the Presidental Election in 2004, and the following dark days in which our media virtually ignored the kind of voting irregularities that went on in Ohio, not to mention the goatfuck that was Florida in 2000 (Remember: Its not worth the "stress" to figure out how Gore ended up with -16000 votes. Get over it.)
Oh yes. Sour Grapes. Sore Loserman. Conspiracy nuts...The Mandate!!!
Except that maybe it wasn't. Maybe now people are realizing that their has been widespread fraud in the 2004 election. Certainly Diebold seems a bit nervous about this white light on their culpability in this.
History has already been made, and the last six years can't be scratched away, and maybe it shouldn't be.
If the Democrats take control of Congress as it has been predicted, then we can hopefully begin the long hard work of fixing the disaster that has been the last six years, and look at this time in our history as a cautionary tale about unchecked executive power, real "judicial activism" and that our Democracy, our Republic, our Deepest Values, have been whored for profit.
Tuesday is election day, and I wish I could be more optimistic, but given what I know now, I can't be sure.
Nevertheless, I will be watching like a fucking Owl.
With any luck, the will of the people, this time, might actually be done.
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