Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Covington has it on good authority that Obama will announce today (though this may not be news to you at this point).

While I think he might make a great candidate, he is, at this point, still an unknown with no experience, and I am not inclined to go with a candidate that makes me "feel" good as opposed to one that is good.

In other words, people voted for Bush because he made them "feel" something (???), and that kind of subjective touchy feely bullshit, rather than a record, is exactly why King George is...well, King George.

Nevertheless, I say let Obama run, get his nose bloody, and learn something. If he lives up to his potential, in four to eight years, he may be the second coming of Bobby Kennedy, and God Help him.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to be the first to propose that Obama use Motorhead's song "Bomber" as his campaign song, because it sounds like Lemmy is singing "It's Obama! It's Obama! It's OBAMA!!!"

    It's thoughts like this that kept me out of the really good schools.
