Monday, January 15, 2007


Cenk Uygur on Joe...

"This man claims to be a moral standard-bearer and then deceives the very people that trusted him to protect their interests. As usual with these religious hypocrites, he doesn't have any morals at all. The only thing that matters to Joe Lieberman is Joe Lieberman. And oh yeah, screwing up Iraq as much as humanly possible.

There is no excuse for giving the Bush administration a pass on Hurricane Katrina. None. The people of Connecticut trusted him to do what he said he'd do. This is a gross violation of that trust.

We were right, and now it is patently obvious who Joe Lieberman really is. These are his last six years in the Senate, so he better enjoy it while it lasts. He isn't the senator from Nebraska (actually the Republican senator from that state is a thousand times more reasonable than Lieberman on foreign policy). He is the senator from one of the bluest states in the country, Connecticut. Well, at least he was."

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