Monday, March 26, 2007

Impeachment?: Or, Vacation...All I ever wanted...

The Preface: I've been on Spring Break, and like many a student, I haven't been doing much more than drinking beer. However, I am Junior Faculty, so unlike many of my colleagues, I can't really afford to go anywhere, aside from the Cock and Bull.


Like many of you, I have watched the newest clusterfuck that the Bush Administration has foisted upon a weary people-Gonzalez, that is (who isn't all that new, really, and somehow has imbued Ashcroft with the wisdom of Solomon by comparison) with great interest, watching as the length and breadth of fuckery became apparent, and wondering "Okay. Have we finally had enough? Will we finally get pissed off enough and starting raining bloody hell down until this scurrilous sonabitch and his lackeys are hanging by their feet from a gas station sign?".

Certainly, as I have alluded to in a previous post, Watergate comes to mind-after all, it's the lie that gets you-but I wondered, since Bush has had so many sycophants in the six years he's been President whether they would ride in on their Talking Points Machines and save the day...


"But not many Republican lawmakers would speak up for Gonzales even if they were sure Bush would stick with him. He is the least popular Cabinet member on Capitol Hill, even more disliked than Rumsfeld was. The word most often used by Republicans to describe the management of the Justice Department under Gonzales is 'incompetent'."


"How could he allow his aides to go to Capitol Hill unprepared and misinformed and therefore give inaccurate and misleading testimony? How could Gonzales permit his deputy to say that the prosecutors were fired for performance reasons when all he had to say was that U.S. attorneys serve at the pleasure of the president and the president wanted them replaced?"

Whoah...It almost sounds like the pundit class has turned on Bush in this matter even as they desperately try to save numbnut's ass...

Then there is Hagel, who has of late actually remembered his Goldwater and grew a spine,
stating the obvious: "This is not a monarchy...There are ways to deal with it. And I would hope the president understands that."

Wow. The tide is turning...

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