1.Evil power disappears 2.Demons worry when the_ wizard is near 3.He turns tears into joy 4.Everyone's happy when the_wizard walks by.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Barack Hussein Obama
"Barack and Hussein are Semitic words. Americans have been named with Semitic names since the founding of the republic. Fourteen of our 43 presidents have had Semitic names (see below). And American English contains many Arabic-derived words that we use every day and without which we would be much impoverished. America is a world civilization with a world heritage, something Cunningham will never understand. "
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Some of you may wonder why. The reason is simple: He was infuriating, but intellectually honest. As I disagreed, I found no ad hominem arguments, no fallacious rhetoric, and no specious reasoning. Just a smart guy to disagree with.
I doubt we'll see another one like him again.
I'll drink one for you, you WASP-y prick you.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Ridiculously Offensive
Mean Old America finally begins to chime in, and, in the process, manage to look like the scared little boys they really are.
via Crooks and Liars
Update: Speaking of ridiculously offensive, right wing radio troll and local embarrassment Bill Cunningham embarrasses John McCain:
"He repeatedly referred to Obama using his middle name -- Hussein -- and said that Obama was a product of the 'Chicago-Daley mob'.''
Nice...Watch Rush's little doggie for yourself here.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Hope Monger
I just got back from the Obama rally at UC. I waited in the cold for two hours with this guy named Ray, who gave me one of his preferred seating tickets.
I am frozen, hoarse, and my thumbs hurt from clapping, like the thousands of others, who froze on the glacier outside of Fifth Third (thanks local Meteorologists... Fifty my ass).
Rhetorically, it was amazing: The crescendo at the end...it felt like how church must feel to the religious.
I'll have more later...
Beck considers waterboarding a Conservative issue
Over the weekend, Glenn Beck announced on his CNN show that waterboarding is a "Conservative issue" in the same way that he says environmentalism and renewable energy are Liberal issues. In other words: important and worthy of support.
It was durring an interview with some pinhead who wrote a book called Liberal Fascism. They started talking about NBC's "Green Week" from last season, and how it proves liberals are fascists because NBC is part of the liberal media and "green propoganda" is what the government wanted NBC to publish. If you can't bear to watch the whole segment, the money shot is at 7:40 or so. video here. Here's the transcript:
This would have been decried from the highest mountaintop if I would have done it for some cause I cared about, or if the FOX Network...decided to take on some Conservative thing like waterboarding--Its waterboarding week! And it's the same kind of thing. There are people who believe in it and people who don't believe in it.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The Zipless Fuckhead
The Shorter Erica Jong:
Vote for Hillary. Fuck Hope. All politicians are dirty. Vote for Hillary.
"You are not going to wave a magic wand and get rid of the special interest".
No shit...the Clintons are still in this...
Clinton Desperation Update 02.25.08:
Oh, now Obama's George Bush...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Obamarama, pt.2: Cincinnati
"Please join Barack Obama at a Keeping America's Promise Rally in Cincinnati, where he'll talk about his vision for bringing about the kind of change we can believe in.
Keeping America's Promise Rally with Barack Obama
University of Cincinnati
The Fifth Third Arena
2700 O'Varsity Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Monday, February 25
Doors open: 12:00 p.m.
The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required, but an RSVP is strongly encouraged.
Seating is limited, and admission is on a first come, first-served basis.
For security reasons, do not bring bags. Please limit personal items. No signs or banners are permitted.
All registered voters in Ohio can apply to vote early now through March 3, 2008. To vote early, bring the last 4 digits of your Social Security number or your Ohio driver's license number to your county board of elections office.
If you can't vote early, remember: Election Day is Tuesday, March 4. Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Feel free to call the campaign at 866-675-2008 for more information.
Paid for by Obama for America "
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The doors opened some time after 6:00, and the ticket holders' lines started moving. We had to wait, and wait, and... By this time we were pretty sure we were actually going to get in, and we did by about 7:30. The beer lines were long, and this being Texas, all the early birds grabbed big, fat comfortable seats, even where the view was obstructed. We went straight to the floor in front of the press and about 20 feet in front of the stage. Then we waited some more.
I was amazed that Obama could pack this room. It's a damn big room, and I could see everything. We had been analyzing the crowd. There were lots of young people, but not overwhelmingly so. There were also plenty of 20/30ish white guys in suits. More than 50% were african american. Astonishingly, in a city that is 40% latino, I only saw one guy who was obviously such. There were a few starstruck teenaged girls, but just as many grandmothers.
The speech was good, but unremarkable. He talked for 45 minutes and only looked at his notes a few times. He clearly meant what he said, and he said all the right things. The biggest cheers were for lines repudiating the decision to invade Iraq, and for giving those who had to go over there the respect they deserve when they return--a reference to the health care problems of vets. In this speech, he seemed to be running against the specter of the former Texas governor, not the current NY senator.
I can't tell how the Texas primary is going to play out, but Hillary is playing it very dangerously here. She made her trips to San Antonio and The Valley to court the latino voters, and it seems like she is placing all her bets on them. While Obama drew 20,000 to his public spectacle last night, Clinton chose to hold a private fundraising dinner tonight at the Hyatt Regency. Tickets are $1000. I think that simple comparison speaks volumes--and tells me all I need to know.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Train Kept a Rollin'
I feel like celebrating, like rocking out. Drink some wine and shake yer ass. We're one step closer to the future.
Texas and Ohio, here we come.
Hold Up...
Hillary is trying to put the brave face on this 0-9 since SuperDuper Tuesday at, ironically enough, Chaney High School, blasting "9 to 5" when she came out. Does that make her Judy, Doralee, Violet-or Mr. Hart?
It's amazing: She's still plagiarizing Kerry Healey and John "Takin Care of Business" McCain, claiming she has solutions. She said she's gonna end the war. Yeah, right.
Here's the Stupidest Thing I've Read in a While
"Obama beats McCain" = "Dukakis beats Bush"
The difference between the two campaigns, and the two candidates, and the times we live in, are so vast as to render this comical, yet, to go through this Genius's diaries and you get the idea.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Triangulating Echoes
Things must be desperate in Clinton world to accuse Obama of plagiarism.
"Top advisers and supporters of Sen. Hillary Clinton today accused Sen. Barack Obama of plagiarism for delivering a speech in Wisconsin that included a nearly-identical passage to one delivered two years earlier by then candidate for governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick."
In order to clarify the context, the "she" that Deval Patrick is referring to is Kerry Healey, who was the Republican nominee running for Governor for the state of Massachusetts, having served as Williard "Mitt" (Wink Martindale) Romney's Lieutenant Governor, accusing Deval Patrick of empty rhetoric.
It's interesting that the surrogate who speaks up is Jim McGovern-a Massachusetts Representative, who you would think would know a little bit about context:
"'It is striking to me that it is word for word," McGovern said. 'I think it says something about the origin of his rhetoric. I'm not sure if the origin of his speeches, if they're his speeches, or if they're someone else's'."
The crucial point here is that answering a question is not plagiarism if the questions are framed similarly: In other words, if I am asked if 2+2=4, my answer of 4 cannot be plagiarized. If I am charged with "empty rhetoric", pulling out uplifting quotations as support cannot be plagiarized, especially not in this context. Sure-Obama could have pulled out a Churchill quotation, or something like "'Live Long and Prosper'-just words?". The quotations in question are public domain to Americans, as surely as the Psalms in the Bible are. Thus, this doesn't pass the smell test (and I say this as an Educator).
It is the charge, and its warrants that are most troubling-and most illuminating about Hillary Clinton: Since Super Tuesday, both she and McCain have been working the same side of the semantic street, with both triangulating on the meme of "Obama as empty words", casting herself as the "proven, solid ideas" candidate:
"Clinton inferred that Obama’s campaign and was more rhetoric than reality... 'My opponent makes speeches. I offer solutions. It’s one thing to get people excited. I want to empower you'.”
Kerry Healey, in the midst of the 2006 gubernational campaign, was dismissive of Deval Patrick's platform:
"At a candidates forum last week, the moderator asked each of us to say something nice about the other candidates. Kerry Healey rather grudgingly said, 'Well, he can give a good speech'.”
Fascinating, really, how similar the contexts are, and thus, how similar the charges these two "different" candidates are about Obama and Patrick, respectively. If we turn Rep. McGovern's question around, then we can't be sure of the origin of the charges, or if they are indeed Healey's charges, or the Clinton campaign's. I mean, they are suspiciously similar, right?
If the Clinton campaign wants to continue this plagiarism meme, then, by their standards, is it reasonable to say that she is plagiarising Healey? Maybe we can drop this plagiarism talk, and call the whole thing "echoing".
But, then again, if you are a Democrat, who do you want your nominee "echoing"? The First Black Governor of Massachusetts, a Democrat? Or Romney's Lt. Governor? And what of the implications of this echo?
I guess if you are okay with your nominee echoing the GOP yet again...
Update: Big Media...
Are seemingly trying to make hay out of what is a bullshit non issue (re-coronate Hillary). It drives me crazy not because I am partisan here (because I am) but because I cannot see how this plagiarism:
- Obama did not "copy" Patrick's phraseology (watch the video).
- These "quotations" are famous enough to be considered, in the context of this country, to common knowledge.
- If we cannot consider these quotations common knowledge, then is Patrick guilty of the plagiarism, for not attributing King, Roosevelt, Kennedy, etc?
- If Obama and Patrick are plagiarists, then is King a plagiarist for directly referencing not only our founding documents, but the Bible as well, and religious songs?
- Was there anybody in that audience, or in the media, that somehow thought that Obama came up with "We have nothing to fear" and did these same people somehow believe that these allusions were Patrick's invention?
- I want to reiterate this: Why is no one asking, given the Clintons' standard of "plagiarism", why their critiques of Obama eerily sound and read just like Healey's critiques of Patrick in 2006? Surely, they aren't siding with a Republican, are they?
- Finally, the Clintons are fucking snakes. They'd as soon as burn down the Democratic Party as deny that Hillary isn't fit to be President, and the people know this.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
That's Armageddon
Glenn Greenwald's new piece underscores exactly why we need the future, and not the bullshit of the past:
"The truth is exactly the opposite. There is nothing more psychologically invigorating than the belief that you are staring down the Greatest and Most Evil Enemy Ever in History, courageously waging glorious war for all that is Good and Just in the world. Nothing produces more pulsating feelings of excitement and nobility like convincing yourself that you are a Warrior defending Western Civilization from the greatest threat it has ever faced, following in -- even surpassing -- the mighty footsteps of the Greatest Generation and the Warrior-Crusaders who came before them. "
via Covington Jim
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Why We Endorse Obama
That was former Republican Senator Lincoln Chafee Thursday endorsing Barack Obama, and we couldn’t have said it better.
You know you are a little behind the curve when Republicans start coming out for your candidate but, what the hell. We’ve been busy. Anyway, let it officially be known, the editorial board of this esteemed weblog endorse Barack Obama’s candidacy to represent the Democratic Party in the 2008 presidential election.
While Clinton surely has her strengths, we believe Obama is clearly the superior choice.
Clinton supporters will argue that Clinton is more electable We disagree. Think about it. We tried Gore. We tried Kerry. Clinton is just more of the same: a moderate Dem afraid to stand up for Democratic principles. She is content, instead, pandering to the most obscene dogma of the Right (her vote in favor of the war resolution) thinking that is the way to win over the electorate. Those methods have already failed us and Obama’s successes to date seem to indicate why: voters don’t agree with the dogma and never have. We just haven’t been given a clear choice until now. This election is the Democrats’ for the taking. We need to give the voters a clear choice, not Republican-lite.
Obama is also better than Clinton in a match-up against McCain. McCain is actually despised by the wing-nuts—cryptofascist conservatives and evangelicals who have formed the Republican base since the Reagan era. Some of them might vote for Obama, either for legitimate reasons or in protest. They probably would not vote for Clinton. Ann Coulter’s claim that she will vote for Clinton if McCain is nominated is a red herring. She wants Clinton in the race because she thinks she can’t win. She might not be happy with a McCain presidency, or anything short of Mussolini for that matter, but can anyone seriously believe Ann Coulter would vote for Hillary? If she did that her two-dimensional theory of the universe would collapse. Obama can also count on Independents, which Clinton can’t.
Which brings us to the next reason why Obama is the superior choice. A Clinton presidency would likely result in policy gridlock, exactly what the country doesn’t need after all of the malfeasant legislation and rule-making of the Bush/Cheney administration.
A significant portion of the electorate, from right wing extremists to moderate Independents, have been taught, madrassa-like, to hate Hillary Clinton. It isn’t even Hillary’s fault. She has simply been pimped by the likes of Rush Limbaugh as a vessel for anything people don’t like. It’s a sad state of affairs, but Clinton’s imprimatur will do anything but grease the wheels of efforts to undo Bush.
Even if all of the above were not true, at this critical point in history we ask, who do you want to set the course for Democratic leadership in the 21st century? The answer has to be, Barack Obama.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The Republican party has become so ideologically pure and dogmatically "conservative" (not Goldwater, mind you) that is has that near extinct beast, the liberal Republican, switching sides.
Because when you fight a war against "extremists", you have to be an extremist as well.
Way to think it through.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Can you hear me now? Good-You can't sue me!
Sure...Let's not hash this out anymore...let's get on to more important business. These people need to be pelted with old cellular phones a.s.a.p:
Alexander (R-TN)
Allard (R-CO)
Barrasso (R-WY)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bayh (D-IN)
Bennett (R-UT)
Bond (R-MO)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burr (R-NC)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Coleman (R-MN)
Collins (R-ME)
Conrad (D-ND)
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Craig (R-ID)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Dole (R-NC)
Domenici (R-NM)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Feinstein (D-CA) -Old Banker buttlicker at it again.
Grassley (R-IA)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hagel (R-NE)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Inouye (D-HI)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kohl (D-WI)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (ID-CT) -okay, this shouldn't shock anybody.
Lincoln (D-AR)
Lugar (R-IN)
Martinez (R-FL)
McCain (R-AZ)
McCaskill (D-MO)
McConnell (R-KY)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Pryor (D-AR)
Roberts (R-KS)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Salazar (D-CO)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Smith (R-OR)
Snowe (R-ME)
Specter (R-PA)
Stevens (R-AK)
Sununu (R-NH)
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)
Voinovich (R-OH)
Warner (R-VA)
Webb (D-VA) -Didn't I just get finished saying nice things about you.
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wicker (R-MS)
Guess who didn't vote today? Hillary. Guess you got more important shit to do, too, eh? I mean, its only the Constitution.
Update: King George wants the House to get with the program:
"'I am pleased that (Tuesday) night senators approved new legislation that will ensure our intelligence professionals have tools to make our nation safer', Bush said. 'Unfortunately the House has failed to pass a good bill'."
Let's hope the House keeps doing a lousy job, and fails to pass this Orwellian nightmare.
BushCo Criminals
'They are characterizing this as within the authority of the Executive Branch. They will wait to August when everyone is at the conventions, and leave it on our doorstep', said the Virginia Democrat. 'If the Senate hasn't acted by then, they are going to announce an agreement between the Executive Branch and Iraq'."
Suing your own government for peace. That's a new idea.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
What Now? Super Duper Tired, Super Duper Ready.
At this time, we only have estimated delegate counts, which is the crucial thing, since none of the Democratic Primaries are winner take all, which means that, after all of the computations, nothing is really decided yet. It's pretty wide open, though the punditry seems to think that Hillary has the establishment (the elected Democrats in Congress, etc) and thus, the super delegates. What makes them super? They can change their support.
For the readers and contributors to this this, here are the dates of your primaries :
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Super Duper Tuesday
My guess would be that John McCain, who, according to his most recent campaign ad, was dreaming of Ronnie while at the Hanoi Hilton. Yes, evidentally, McCain became a seer-or there is a massive conflation-because St. McCain Had a vision of the Reagan Revolution while Reagan was still the Governor of California! Astounding!
As for the good guys...:I don't know what will happen, and it, since it is not winner take all, we aren't going to get anything definitive anyway, but we'll see a trend. Question: Will the Democratic party seize the moment, and recognize the need for the new, or will it instead do what happens only in politics and boxing, and let the loyal fighter finally have a shot at the title?
One thing is sure: I'll be riveted to my seat. This is the real Super Bowl.
Update: So much for a smooth ride...
"Voter-outreach groups criticized the ballot in Los Angeles County, saying it could disenfranchise independent voters.
The Democratic and American Independent party ballots given to independent voters who request them include an extra bubble specifying that the ballot is for that party’s primary. The bubble appears before the list of presidential candidates.
If voters fail to mark that spot, the county’s scanning machines will not read the selection for president."
Update II (5:20 pm): Hillary and Fox News
Frontrunners do not typically challenge debates, do they? Moreover, "liberals" wouldn't seek to, as Kos says, "legitimize the Republican Party's chief propaganda arm", especially since its the same bunch that tried to destroy you in the nineties?
This seems pretty desperate. Has the Ann Coulter's offer to campaign for Hillary sunk in? Was it serious? Was Coulter actually sober when she said this?
Good God...
Update III (12:21 am).
History, folks.
This is big.
Support the Troops
via Katie G.
Super Duper Tuesday
My guess would be that John McCain, who, according to his most recent campaign ad, was dreaming of Ronnie while at the Hanoi Hilton. Yes, evidentally, McCain became a seer-or there is a massive conflation-because St. McCain Had a vision of the Reagan Revolution while Reagan was still the Governor of California! Astounding!
As for the good guys...:I don't know what will happen, and it, since it is not winner take all, we aren't going to get anything definitive anyway, but we'll see a trend. Question: Will the Democratic party seize the moment, and recognize the need for the new, or will it instead do what happens only in politics and boxing, and let the loyal fighter finally have a shot at the title?
One thing is sure: I'll be riveted to my seat. This is the real Super Bowl.
Update: So much for a smooth ride...
"Voter-outreach groups criticized the ballot in Los Angeles County, saying it could disenfranchise independent voters.
The Democratic and American Independent party ballots given to independent voters who request them include an extra bubble specifying that the ballot is for that party’s primary. The bubble appears before the list of presidential candidates.
If voters fail to mark that spot, the county’s scanning machines will not read the selection for president."
Update II (5:20 pm): Hillary and Fox News
Frontrunners do not typically challenge debates, do they? Moreover, "liberals" wouldn't seek to, as Kos says, "legitimize the Republican Party's chief propaganda arm", especially since its the same bunch that tried to destroy you in the nineties?
This seems pretty desperate. Has the Ann Coulter's offer to campaign for Hillary sunk in? Was it serious? Was Coulter actually sober when she said this?
Good God...
Monday, February 4, 2008
I said I wouldn't cry...
"Clinton... welled up at Rhodeen's reference to 'our magnificent Hillary'."
Let's hope Connecticut is a little smarter than New Hampshire. But then again, the Stanley Fish's of the world probably think we who want something new for are country are haters.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Each year, around this time, we get a continuous loop of Super Bowl highlight specials, the kind the Sabols specialize in, and so while my better half and I were "whooping" it up at the Covington Mardi Gras-is it just me, or is the idea of a street festival in the dead of winter, um, stupid?-watching idiots of all ages defile the good name of "power drinking, they showed the Super Bowl XVI special. You know, the first of the two rather ignoble defeats at the hands of former Bengal Bill Walsh's dynastic Manilow head 49'ers (not the one with Stanley Wilson and Tim Krumrie's compound fracture-the other one, with Dan Ross and a younger, butterfingers Collingsworth), and I remembered a little ditty from back then, very popular on radio, in which the 12 Days of Christmas was re-written for the Bengals-with the culminating refrain being "And a Forrest Gregg Super Bowl Team". We fired him later, of course (incidentally, does anybody else remember that?)
So, at any rate, no point being maudlin. The Bengals may get their shit together one day, and even win one, provided we can keep everybody sober and out of jail. As for my sobriety, it will be ending soon; I've graded as much as I care to today, and I'm going to go to the Deacon's place, drink beer, and eat cheese in every conceivable form. Power Drinking indeed.
I suppose though I need to post a prediction, so it goes:
Giants 72 Patriots -20
Why? Because I loathe perfection. There is no such thing and besides, if you saw me without my super patriotic lapel pin, you'd know why I hate the good looking, physically gifted and talented. Same reasons I hate Johnny Depp-cuz Life Ain't Fair.
But don't listen to me: I'm a Bengals Fan, afterall, and all the fatalism and sense of Jesus Christ on a Losing Streak that goes with it.
Well, I suppose it wouldn't be the Super Bowl Sunday without this:
Have fun where ever you are, and as my Dad always says "Watch out for the gendarmes!".
Friday, February 1, 2008
How Far We Have To Go
The Seventh Seal
"When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour..."(Revelation 8:1).