Monday, September 29, 2008

God Help Us


"She told me that the gas was sprayed into the room where the babies and children were being kept while their mothers prayed together their Ramadan prayers. Panicked mothers ran for their babies, crying for their children so they could flee from the gas that was burning their eyes and throats and lungs. She grabbed her youngest in her arms and grabbed the hand of her other daughter, moving with the others to exit the building and the irritating substance there.

The paramedic said the young one was in shock, and gave her oxygen to help her breathe. The child couldn't stop sobbing.

This didn't happen in some far away place -- but right here in Dayton, and to my friends. Many of the Iraqi refugees were praying together at the Mosque Friday evening. People that I know and love."

Actually, fuck that. Fuck shameful. This is America of the Limbaughs, Malkins, Coulters et al., as cowardly as Klan. What are we to glean from this, aside from the kind of motherfuckers who would attack CHILDREN who have done NOTHING, who came from IRAQ, to be safe and free, are the same kind of motherfuckers who would bomb a Sunday School.

This is Old Mean America at its most despicable.

1 comment:

  1. I just received one of the DVDs a few days ago but threw it out without thinking much of it.

    I did notice that Michael Medved said it should win an Oscar for best documentary.
