1.Evil power disappears 2.Demons worry when the_ wizard is near 3.He turns tears into joy 4.Everyone's happy when the_wizard walks by.
Friday, August 31, 2007
So they finally discovered the locations of the Weapons of Mass Destruction
Just a little west... but only blocks from GROUND ZERO.
They followed us home...eleven years ago...TAKE COVER MANHATTAN!!!
“'These items should not have ended up, obviously, at the New York offices', Mr. Snow said. 'Normally they would be transported to an appropriately equipped laboratory for analysis. I’m sure that there are going to be a lot of red-faced people over at the U.N. trying to figure out how they got there'.”
Can you imagine the commercial Giuliani's gonna get out of this?
Monday, August 27, 2007
Hypocrites sure are funny...self loathing closeted homosexuals are just sad.
Pay attention. You might learn something about personal honesty.
Update: via Crooks and Liars...
You mean...this wasn't the first time?
Update to the Update: The Report and a mugshot.
Ladies and Gentlemen...THE NEXT ATTORNEY GENERAL
via Katie G.
Who knows how far her rhetorical might will take her???
Fredo Resigns
"Mr. Gonzales, who had rebuffed calls for his resignation, submitted his to President Bush by telephone on Friday, the official said. His decision was not immediately announced, the official added, until after the president invited him and his wife to lunch at his ranch near here."
Friday, August 24, 2007
From the Genius who brought you "Wang Dang Sweet Poon Tang"
"Got me a ideology/its a reach around".
Update: Nathan, artist and authority on all things Metal, brought up an interesting point: Big Bad Ted is a Draft Dodger. My, isn't that inconvenient, tough guy:
"(Nugent claims) that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment."
You're a real bad ass, Ted. Real. Bad. Ass. And...a really good Republican, so there you go.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
With Arms Wide Open
The simulacrum of the eighties known as the last seven years seemingly continues. Anyone who has followed this blog, or my previous home, The Covington Blog (now defunct), knows that I have watched, with great alarm, at the return of the eighties, from the horrible fashions to the even more horrible music (Morrissey+ REO Speedwagon=EMO) to, yikes, players from the Reagan/Bush regimes crawling out of their holes to make the world miserable once again.
Yet, here we are again, playing the superpower again, except with a new twist: We are speading our love to our moderate "friends" in the Middle East in hopes of stemming the tide of something called Islamofascism, or the like. Seymour Hersh alluded to this sometime ago.
The other new twist is our ersatz Reagan Administration, reaching for the past and dragging the rest of us into somekind of circus freak genuflection on God, guns, and guts=Amurca Grate!!!, and for thosse old enough to remember the original, well, aren't you sorry you asked the question "Can they get any stupider, more corrupt, and/or dangerous?". Yes, Virginia, they can, and they got Santa working as a greeter at Wal-Mart to boot.
One thing is the same, however: The fearful, existential Monolith that is trying to destroy "Amurca". Back then, it was the Soviets, and Communism in general, and it was our duty to overthrow legitimate pro-Marxist governments by re-arming the overthrown oligarchies and their right wing death squads. Now, it is Islamofascists (whatever that means) but the fear is the same: They will come and take our women and our guns. They will come and take our Bob Seeger records. They will take Jesus and kill him (again). We will have to stop eating baby back ribs (okay, this one may be new) and we are not selling to Iran (the other new wrinkle).
Oh yeah, the other thing that's the same, and what has painted a target on our collective backs; Back then, we used to do this thing called a Proxy War, when the Superpowers would use poor brown people to do their dirty work for them. That hasn't changed much either, except that some of the poor brown people we used against the Soviets in Afghanistan decided to fly our own jets into the WTC, because we made promises we wouldn't keep, and because we wouldn't go home.
That's one of the wacky things about the whole eighties simulacra-we watch endless repeats, with no laugh track, and pretend its some new shit.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Bush's Brain
Is jumping off the sinking ship...
Will he end up working on a campaign? Will he end up as the ultimate RNC svengali? Is there a subpoena and possible contempt charges looming? Will he end up in hell?
Only the last one can we be sure of...
Update: The circle back slap. You can almost hear the arms snapping from all the self congratulation.
This one's for you, buddy.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Saturday, August 4, 2007
It's a symptom of the universe at this point, with all eyes on the junior senator from Illinois, long praised as a "rock star" without ideas, who has, nevertheless, become major glitch in the coronation of Hillary Clinton.
What's interesting, however, is that the establishment Democrats are all piling on Obama because of this:
"Barack Obama promised that as president he would consider military strikes against terrorists in Pakistan if the country refused to root them out."
Now, its not like he's making this shit up: There really are terrorists in Pakistan, and Mushareef said that if they keep quiet, and not play their music too loud (not blow anything up in Pakistan), they can stay.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that make them a rogue state, according to Bush, as they are harboring terrorists. Why would we talk shit about Syria and Iran, and give Pakistan a pass. Kind of like how we gave a pass to the Saudis.
My bet would be that, like the Saudis, who came to kill us, no of this really matters to Bush, because the rich capitalists tend to stick together, and when there's oil to be had, bet on the bribes.
Okay, we all know that Bush and Cheney are traitors, but this doesn't really explain how or why the anti-Bushs, the Democrats, who are going to fix everything, who promised to prosecute the war on terror correctly, would pile on like this? Is it not a reasonable idea to actually attack terrorists where they are.
Obama, similarly, was attacked as "naive" (the handle they're trying to give him) for having the audacity to say he would reach out to Iran and other "bad guys". Hillary, in a gross overestimation of her diplomatic skills, said that she wouldn't be fodder for propaganda (as if Sean Hannity doesn't exist) and, presumably, Obama would be (if only he'd threaten to nuke their asses).
See, the thing is, folks, is that we are presumably back to the old "Devil You Know" game that re-elected goddamned George Bush. The devil, in this case, is Hilllary, and this time, she's the establishment candidate. Should Hillary win, we might get thrown a few bones-a universal health care plan that, like auto insurance, makes Health insurance required by law, and thus, dropping a sweetheart deal into the laps of the HMOS. Or she'll pull out a few soldiers from a Iraq, and maybe leave the Mercenaries (the ones with no oversight) to play the part of the Right Wing Death Squads, but change? Please.
To think that Hillary Clinton would change anything fundemental, that which we need if our nation is to survive...
That's naive.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Rock N Soul Party Tonight!!!
9:00 Doors $12, 18+, with ID
Tickets, directions and other info: southgatehouse.com
Brought to you by Second Story Concerts.
Preventable Disaster?
And sorry Michelle...no Al Quaedas in sight. Just more malfeasance.
Update: As Brian Williams pointed out, they'd better get something up in a hurry.
With the failure of Katrina, and now this, I wonder whether people are finally going to realize that its not taxes, but rather, how the taxes are spent, that needs to be the question. It seems that its more important propagate Corporate Welfare than to the actual welfare of you and me. I would say that there is a good chance that this will become an issue, as it should, and one more nail in the "conservative" coffin.