Friday, March 30, 2007

Moral Insanity, again.

Pathological Lying

"Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities."

A blast from the past. If only others had recognized it.

It's all right here:

"'The facts are stark and the facts are real. . . Our men and women in uniform love their country more than their comfort. They have never failed us, and we must not fail them. But the best intentions and the highest morale are undermined by back-to-back deployments, poor pay, shortages of spare parts and equipment, and rapidly declining readiness.”

. . .these are signs of a military in decline and we must do something about it. The reasons are clear. Lack of equipment and material. Undermaning of units. Overdeployment. Not enough time for family. Soldiers who are on food stamps, and soldiers who are poorly housed. Dick Cheney and I have a simple message today for our men and women in uniform, their parents, their loved ones, their supporters: Help is on the way!

A generation shaped by Vietnam must remember the lessons of Vietnam. When America uses force in the world, the cause must be just, the goal must be clear, and the victory must be overwhelming.

To build morale in today’s United States military we must keep faith with those who have worn the uniform in the past. We must keep faith with America’s veterans. . . And keeping faith also means giving our veterans first-rate health care and treating the veterans with dignity. . . So chaotic is the process there is now a backlog of nearly one half-million claims. This is no way to treat any citizen, much less a veteran of our armed forces. The veterans health-care system and the claims process will be modernized, so that claims are handled in a fair and friendly way.

In my Administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs will act as an advocate for veterans seeking benefit claims, not act as an adversary. Veterans who once stood in the line of fire to protect our freedom should not have to stand in the line of a bureaucracy that is unwilling to help them in their claims'. -George W. Bush VFW Speech - August 21, 2000."

Via Bush Failed.

Update: Bush's anonymous bloggers.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Excuse Me While I Puke

George Carlin said, "They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." How right he was.

Income Gap Is Widening, Data Shows

Income inequality grew significantly in 2005, with the top 1 percent of Americans — those with incomes that year of more than $348,000 — receiving their largest share of national income since 1928, analysis of newly released tax data shows.

There was a short period of time durring the mid-20th century when the American Dream meant something, but that was an aberration. Today it is more of a crap shoot, fueled by greed at the top and the lottery mentality of an underclass that has been thoroughly beaten into submission.

Look at this most recent data:

  • Incomes at the top 1% rose on average $139,000 (For comparison, median home price in Cincinnati is $127,805). Meanwhile, incomes for the bottom 90% dropped by $172.
  • The income of the top 300,000 earners equalled that of the bottom 150 million.

The new era of the robber baron is upon us and I know what John Lydon meant when he stared menacingly into the camera and said, "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"

Immigration: The Human Cost

This puts the whole issue into perspective.


Hillary, a Feminist?

Evidentally, the Feminist:

"Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton declared Wednesday that if you look up the word 'feminist' in a dictionary, you'll find her."

Well, that's just swell, declaring oneself to the be the archetype of a philosophical/social/political movement. So what exactly does that mean?

"Asked if she viewed herself as a feminist, Clinton said by the standard definition, yes.

'If you look in the dictionary, the word feminist means someone who believes in equal rights for women in society, in the economy, the political process _ generally believes in the equality of women. And I certainly believe in the equality of women', she said."

Well, no shit.

Problem here is that there is no such thing, really as Feminism. What we have instead is Feminisms-plural. There is no monolith.

Because we have no monolith in this regard, Clinton's answer is either ignorant or purposefully misleading? Is she a Feminist like Helene Cixous, whose Feminism is more thereoretical and, for a lack of a better term, activist deconstructionist, or she a Marxist (the answer here is clearly no, as much as the right likes to call her so). Most likely, it is more of a American Feminism, which is essentialist in nature (and untenable, relying as it does on a construct posing as a transcendental).

So, Hillary is now THE FEMINIST.

Well, I guess my sisters can breathe easy, eh?

Thirsty Thursday

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I know that there is basketball on tonight, and for many of the readers of this blog, this is a time to drink themselves stupid, and scream at the TV.

I can relate, though the beloved Bearcats have long since stopped embarrassing everybody.

Nevertheless, The Cock and Bull English Pub is having Chambly Noire pitcher night. This delicious ale is a full on delight, dark and creme-y. Yum. Plus, you get two glasses per pitcher. To keep.

At any rate, I encourage all to come down. The_Wizard will be enjoying this fine ale, celebrating the end of the first week of Spring Quarter, a week with no catastrophes, at least academically.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Moral Insanity.

"When a person has uncomfortable thoughts or feelings, they may project these onto other people, assigning the thoughts or feelings that they need to repress to a convenient alternative target."

This sounds like an apt description of Bush's blame game:

“'The consequences of imposing such a specific and random deadline for withdrawal would be disastrous', Bush said in an address to the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association in Washington today.. 'It makes no sense for politicians in Washington DC to be dictating arbitrary timelines for military commanders in a war zone 6,000 miles away'."

Do you wonder if Bush has any remorse for what he has done to this country and to the people in Iraq with his NeoCon theorizing? Do you think he has any idea that he has the lion's share of culpability in this?

Of course not? "They" brought it on themselves:

“'September the 11th was not only a day that we were attacked, it is a day this country must never forget', he said. 'What happens overseas matters here at home… For me, allowing the world to run its natural course, which can lead to more violence and hatred, will end up reducing the security of the United States'."

Bush tells us that "they" are "the terrorists", but who are "the terrorists". Does he mean Al Quaeda, who had a bloody beef with us about our bases in Saudi Aradia and actually did the attacking, or does he mean the one's he, and by association, we created as a result of invading and decimating Iraq over bullshit lies?

The answer is simple: It doesn't matter to him. Whatever.

To still be humping the corpses of our dead on September 11th to justify the disaster he brought into existence "sticks in the throat of God", to quote the true Poet Laureate, Allen Ginsberg, and should so thoroughly nauseate the citizens of these United States as to make them do little else but howl with wrath. It is unconscionable.

I won't be the first to point this out, but I will reiterate it because it happens to be true: Bush, Cheney, and their sycophants are Sociopaths, and not just because they are "...Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed." Play at home: go through the profile and check off the attitudes of the Administration and compare to the list.

The only thing the people will blame the Democrats for is being duped, and not putting this insane tyrant on trial.

Jon Sheperd Presents...

Before The Music Dies

30 Mar 2007 11:00 PM
The Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center
1028 Scott Blvd

Covington, KY 41011 United States
Tickets: 859.957.1940 or on the website.
Second Story Concerts and Management

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So...part of today's posts are a love-in, but that's okay, because I am lucky enough to hang with such busy and creative people...

Mediocrity is the rule of the day in the music industry: Fall Out Boy and their ilk, all attitude and no substance, poseurs in the truest sense, rule the day. I'm not, of course, only referring to these pop punk pussies, or pop punk pussies in general (though I would ask them if they have ever heard of the Buzzcocks, but whatever), but the whole thing.

HipHop is in similarly bad shape, and for all the same reasons: All style, no substance. How long can you keep it real in 300 grand worth of bling. Like the late, great James Brown might say, it's all "talkin' loud and sayin' nothin'". The two great hopes for the true heart and soul of rock n roll, the bearers of the flame of discontent and rebellion, all the DYI attitude, all the fuck the man sentiment, all the artistic risk taking and ground breaking sounds, reduced to another commodity, more consumption. It is the soundtrack for overbored youth playing "the ignore it and it will go away" game with their real material existence. This shit is the contemporary version of Disco Kiss: jizz-less posturing, a celebration of opulence, decadence and the American Dream as constituted by the whores in Washington. How authentic and real is that?

Jon Shepard, local impresario and man who feels music, is the guy who keeps it real. A long time supporter of local art and music who has labored tirelessly against the corporate music juggernauts (his Free The Music project took on the radio and concert monopoly Clear Channel), I have been lucky to call Jon my friend for nearly 20 years, meeting him in a 7th Grade Math class. In all those years, I have never known Jon to be anything other than straight up and brutally honest, and more than anything, a fearless bully baiter. This presentation, which speaks to lame mediocrity that passes for the "soundtrack of our lives", is a powerful extension of that. We should really thank him for snapping our heads back to this, because if you really feel music, really feel it and make it a part of your life, you need to see this film.

Update: City Beat and CinWeekly both have great features on the film.

The Nuclear Winter Circus presents...

"[The] darkly-comic original one-act play 'Good Evening, Pigtown' by Nathan Singer (with Aretta Baumgartner, Jodie Linver and Sam Womelsdorf) and variety performance pieces by Bill Donnelly, Kevin Frisch and Bet Stewart. Proud to be a part of the Final Friday Main Street Gallery Hop. Space is VERY limited for this eclectic evening of Theatre, Dance, Puppetry and Clowning, so reservations are recommended. Sponsored by Performance Gallery, Cincinnati's home for alternative theatre, with venue support from Urban Sites Properties."

Only $10 (cash/check)!
Fri March 30 & Sat March 31 @ 8pm
1319 Main St. (Over the Rhine) 45202
(by the League of Cincinnati Theatres office) or 513-373-7127.

I have been honored to know Nathan for several years now, and I can say without equivocation that he is one of the most talented, unique, and inspiring artists, local or otherwise, that I know of. From Thrash Blues to his novels, his plays, he is a one man Savior Machine for an exhausted and pissed off America.

For me, the bulk of American Letters leaves me cold, bored and uninspired because he it cluttered with authors content to be clever, folks with a lot to say that actually says nothing at all, illuminates nothing.

Nathan is not one of these, choosing instead to make meaning and sense out of the senseless instead of just recording it. Not merely an author, or a playwright, or a musician, Nathan is an auteur working outside of film but inside the film that is our existential crisis, squeezing the stuff of life itself into every article, every note, every movement as to make sense of it all. Nathan makes me feel lazy. Nathan is one who might be possessed by the most most taboo of notions in our Post Modern climate: Genius.


The Worm Turns

Senate Supports a Pullout Date in Iraq War Bill

The Senate went on record for the first time on Tuesday in favor of a withdrawal date from Iraq, with Democrats marshaling the votes they needed to deliver a forceful rebuke to President Bush’s war policy.

By a vote of 50 to 48, with a few crucial votes shifting in favor of the Democratic position, the Senate rejected a Republican effort to strip from the military spending bill any mention of a withdrawal date. The legislation will now move forward with a nonbinding goal of beginning a gradual withdrawal of American troops from Iraq within 120 days of the measure’s enactment, with a pullout by March 31, 2008.

McCain flew back to Washington to argue aginst the move, saying “This bill should be named the Date Certain for Surrender Act.” What a boob.

The King maintains that he will veto any bill containing a pullout date. I guess he doesn't want this thing to begin and end on his watch. That would make the historians' job too easy.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Impeachment?: Or, Vacation...All I ever wanted...

The Preface: I've been on Spring Break, and like many a student, I haven't been doing much more than drinking beer. However, I am Junior Faculty, so unlike many of my colleagues, I can't really afford to go anywhere, aside from the Cock and Bull.


Like many of you, I have watched the newest clusterfuck that the Bush Administration has foisted upon a weary people-Gonzalez, that is (who isn't all that new, really, and somehow has imbued Ashcroft with the wisdom of Solomon by comparison) with great interest, watching as the length and breadth of fuckery became apparent, and wondering "Okay. Have we finally had enough? Will we finally get pissed off enough and starting raining bloody hell down until this scurrilous sonabitch and his lackeys are hanging by their feet from a gas station sign?".

Certainly, as I have alluded to in a previous post, Watergate comes to mind-after all, it's the lie that gets you-but I wondered, since Bush has had so many sycophants in the six years he's been President whether they would ride in on their Talking Points Machines and save the day...


"But not many Republican lawmakers would speak up for Gonzales even if they were sure Bush would stick with him. He is the least popular Cabinet member on Capitol Hill, even more disliked than Rumsfeld was. The word most often used by Republicans to describe the management of the Justice Department under Gonzales is 'incompetent'."


"How could he allow his aides to go to Capitol Hill unprepared and misinformed and therefore give inaccurate and misleading testimony? How could Gonzales permit his deputy to say that the prosecutors were fired for performance reasons when all he had to say was that U.S. attorneys serve at the pleasure of the president and the president wanted them replaced?"

Whoah...It almost sounds like the pundit class has turned on Bush in this matter even as they desperately try to save numbnut's ass...

Then there is Hagel, who has of late actually remembered his Goldwater and grew a spine,
stating the obvious: "This is not a monarchy...There are ways to deal with it. And I would hope the president understands that."

Wow. The tide is turning...

Friday, March 23, 2007

A Step in the Left Direction


How do you think this will play out?

"The Democrats rode to power last November on the public’s discontent with the war in Iraq, but have struggled -- long and hard and often to little effect -- to move beyond opposition to President Bush’s policies. Now, by a vote of 218 to 212, they have coalesced around a plan of their own."

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Pleasure Principle

SilentPatriot has a good take on this at Crooks and Liars.

I'm sick and tired of this "the President can fire USAs for any and every reason" crap. Yes, they serve at the pleasure of the President, but he can't (as is becoming clearer and clearer) single out and fire attorneys who are prosecuting cases he doesn't want them to be prosecuting or because the perception is that they are not loyal enough to the President, rather than the Rule of Law. That's why the administration is lying about the true motivations behind the purge and that's why they didn't just come out at the very beginning and say they wanted to give other people the opportunity to serve.

It's not a question of whether the President has the authority to fire USAs (he clearly does); it's about why he fired them and what reason he gave for doing so. Are the wingnuts really that dense? Or do their jobs just depend on carrying water for these people regardless of the facts?

Monday, March 19, 2007

Sadism: The Executive Pleasure

One of the most disgusting memes floating around right now is the Official Assertion that the U.S. Attorneys "serve at the pleasure of the President".

I can't be the only one who finds this statement to be disturbing, because "pleasure" is self-gratifying, and I hate to remind any NeoCons, GOP shills and other amoral types who continue to stand with this guy, but the President works for us. There is no "pleasure" in the job description.

This statement is, of course, embedded to hell and back with what we have all known: This Presidency is Imperial, and as such, anything and everything has been "at the pleasure of the president". Abu Ghraib, Water Boarding, the death of Habeas Corpus, wiretapping, No Child Left Behind, the failed War on Terror (War of Terror?)-all of these, and many more, have been "at the pleasure of the President". Apparently, everything he has done in these long years has been about "pleasure". I dare say Nero would be proud.

How long can this go on? When will we say enough? Because at the end of the day, it is the President, all of them including this one, who serves "at the pleasure of the people", and we're pissed.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Erin Go Bragh

I'm off to the pub. Say no to green beer...say yes to the water of life!


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Simple Blues

The last one dropped before I was even born, and I spent most of my adult life resigning myself to new Iggy Pop records, hopefully catching him performing one of the classics.

Sure…by now, everybody and their Grandmother (who, if one is lucky, actually dug ‘em) has heard “I Wanna Be Your Dog” or “No Fun”, either in its original, or covered by the Grandmas who heard ‘em back in the day. For those of us in S.E. Indiana suffering cornpone dt’s, the name “The Stooges” was a whispered, reverant, and secret code for “yer cool…”.

It’s not just that they were punk before there really was such a thing, though to the same twitching aliens finding themselves slogging it out, day after day, in a small town high school that was not really small, feeding the collective egos of “the country” that was, in fact, sprawl waiting to happen. No it wasn’t that.

What it is: The Stooges ARE punk.

Sure, there are others who either defined a form of the above, or just transcended it, and those are the ones who really last, who really become legendary: The Clash, Television, The Ramones, Black Flag, The Dead Kennedys, Fugazi, Flipper, The Germs and Bad Brains are all worthy of this taxonomy because, simply, they didn’t really believe in the rules of PUNK RAWK in the first place. To the uniniated, or the young, here are the rules of punk rock:

• Three Chords or less, played very fast.
• Loud, simple songs with lots of shouting.
• Bad Attitude with a heavy dose of hating everything.
• Clothes that you used to have to travel to a bad part of town to buy, probably near a university.

Now, the above bands, to one degree or another, followed these “rules”, especially early in their careers. However, these bands also violated the rules of Punk Rock regularly; The Clash started out being doctrinaire about the rules, down to the clothes and the pose, except they also played Reggae, and from that point, figured out they could do anything.

Television didn’t even sound like a “punk band”, they sounded like the Velvet Underground crossed with Rimbaud and a jam band. They also looked the part. The Ramones perfected the form, sounding like the Raspberries on crank,

While Black Flag practically invented Hardcore, anyone paying attention to the lyrics, both those of Keith Morris and Henry Rollins knows that underneath all that noise and machismo, was some seriously heavy, nuanced lyrics. The same is true of the Germs, and the Dead Kennedys, while sometimes conforming, actually wrote in any style that fit Jello’s prescient world view. Flipper played Sabbath slow, and Fugazi became real musicians, and were able to do what ever the fuck they wanted.

More similar in style to Black Flag than the Clash, Bad Brains also played Reggae, thus violating the rules. Not to mention that the band was all Black and all Rasta, violating an unspoken rule of punk rock (at least if you ask Waddie from the Exploited): Punk Rawk is a white art form, but I digress.

The Stooges were not subject to rules because they made them up as they went, taking the hippie ethic to its logical conclusion: No longer about “freak flags”, it was about real freaks from Detroit, growing up in a trailer park, writing, as Iggy once put it, their “own simple blues” about things they knew. This was no masturbatory Clapton cum Freddie King pastiche: This was real, and because it was real, it was authentic. 8 Mile is the story of these crash street kids as much as it is the story of Marshall Mathers, and for the above reason.

So, all these years later, with a close to proper amount of context give, let us actually marvel at the fact we have lived long enough (because if its an endurance contest, and Iggy’s in it, we’re screwed) to see a new Stooges record, The Weirdness. It looks cool: inky black cover bordered in metallic silver, the word “The Stooges” in the same metallic silver, with the title “The Weirdness” in a white, hand written font.

The back has a black and white live shot of the band, probably from the Detroit Show (!), and inside, more black and white photos; First a shot of surviving band members, The Ashtons finally look like the hitmen they sounded like on the first two records, and Iggy looks like a man that life has tried to kill countless times, yet could never pull it off. The center has another black and white pic of a stage PACKED with people, and in the midst of the maelstrom of pathos that is Stooges particular brand of thunder, stands Iggy-lightning rod, his posture is that of Merseault, waiting to be torn to pieces, surrounded by people, originals and new fans, waiting for the lighting to strike.

With such ostensible ferocity, one has to ask: How does it sound?

The answer to that is simple, if you can dispel history: By this, I mean if you would be able to conceive that this band, or any band, cannot and should not sound like they did, in this case, 37 years later. If you can dispel this mythology, then it becomes clear: This thing fucking rocks.

Steve Albini was smart enough to mike The Stooges (with Mike Watt on bass), and get the hell out of the way. This is his modus operandi, from his work with Big Black to the production of In Utero. Thus, the mix is murky, almost claustrophobic, with thick slabs of riff seeping out of Ron Ashton’s guitar, only to lock on to brother Scott’s rock solid beat. Loose, but with the precision of a steel press. Mike Watt is able to summon the ghost of the long dead Dave Alexander, keeping it loose and simple. Watt, a musician of considerable chops, does not go off into his patented jazz freak out explorations, instead, in an incredible simpatico, decides to stay in the pocket, reveling in the simple blues of the Stooges.

Iggy Pop. Icon. Rockstar.does not make this a star trip, and does not treat this as anything other than his band. Not hired guns or session pros. His band. His voice in actually back in the mix, weaving in and out of the primal chaos created around him. His voice is his instrument in this. Repeat: This is not a solo Iggy record.

Certainly, the songs are there: “You Can’t Have Friends”, “The Weirdness” and “She Took My Money” have all the hallmarks of classic Stooges, but with an extra edge: The “boredom” of the 70’s gives way to the “weariness” of the new millennium, but do not take this for tired, because it couldn’t be farther from it. This “weariness” is that of an existential hero, fed up with the stupidity of his fellow creature, and angry at those who take advantage. The Stooges were never a “political band”, (though the personal politics they describe can certainly be extrapolated), yet here we are with Iggy taking on BushCo in the destined to be classic “My Idea of Fun”, and America in general on “The End of Christianity”. Yet here we are, listening to the forever freaks rail against the system in a manner so primal, so visceral as to make all other critiques of this insanity seem apologetic by comparison, and certainly, making what constitutes “Punk” now, with all its empty pose and REO Speedwagon self congratulatory irony, seem, well, like REO Speedwagon.

The Stooges, writing their “own simple blues” about their fucked up lives spawned the legend that the multitudes have appropriated, but more often than not, have gotten all wrong. The thing about The Stooges, man, is that they were never about rules or fashion, and ever the rule breakers, they broke another unspoken rule of Punk, and Rock in general; It’s a young person’s game. The Stooges, now thirty eight years old as band and its members staring down 60, prove on The Weirdness that if you have a breath left in you, you might as well use it for the purposes of arson, and this record, worthy of the catalog, will burn down any building.

Those who prefer their bondage pants smelling like Bounce©, however, may wanna look else where.

"ATM" from The Weirdness

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Pulaski Day

This is kind of sad, really. What have we lost?

"'There's no point in coming to the United States now that there's a united Europe', said Hebal, 54, who received refugee status in the United States in 1981 after Poland, then led by a Communist regime, declared martial law while she was visiting Chicago. 'Poles have more freedom than ever, so less people are coming. It's kind of hard'."

No longer a beacon of freedom or hope, bankrupt of any discernible culture that is not money driven, our creed now a cruel joke? What has become of us?

Chocolate Covered Cotton

"President Bush's troop buildup aimed at securing Iraq's capital is showing early signs of success, but long-term stability in Baghdad will be up to the Iraqis, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday."

Smashingly well, apparently...

"At least 121 Shia Muslim pilgrims were slaughtered in multiple suicide bomb and shooting attacks across Iraq today, in a day of sectarian violence that will further shatter US and British hopes of a reduction in violence in the divided country."

Plus the nine dead U.S. soldiers.

Evidentally, according to Seymour Hersh (and here ) we're supporting this sort of thing now, even if we kill our own.

Moral Compass broken...out of control...Bush and Cheney are fucking criminals.

Milo Minderbinder would be proud.

Lee Harvey Libby

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disinformation capture courtesy of Daily Kos.

"So I'm the patsy..." must have been running through Scooter's head this long year, knowing that he is the one to take one for BushCo, to take one for the vile conduct of this corrupt administration, knowing that his head in the proverbial noose is the official place holder Darth Cheney.

But, hey, relax Buddy...You'll get pardoned for being such a loyal soldier, and this act will pretty well sum up Bush's legacy of Executive Malfeasance, Global Treachery, and Treason.

Update: A Cold Beer Reflection (in my frosty freezer Bengals Mug)

"Oh no, not me
I never lost control
You're face to face
Boston Lager: The best beer brewed in Cincinnati-ever (I'm old enough to remember the other local offerings, and if you are nostalgic for Hudy DeLight, Weidemann, Schoenling, then you need your head examined).


Maybe pardoning this son of a bitch is the best thing, though not for the reasons the NRO give.

Certainly, if we are to trust the "mandate", then maybe now the Democrats will quit dickin' around with Bush, quit dickin' around with Parliamentary shell games, and do what we put them there to do: End the War.

Most of us who aren't smelling yesterday's breakfast festering in our colons have known for YEARS what a sham this whole thing is, from conception to execution, but what most people in the media and in government are failing to ascertain is the sheer immorality of the exercise: We went into this based on bald bullshit which was clear for all who bothered to look, even back in 2002, and to claim that "we didn't know" or "that we were misled" is in and of itself an even balder bullshit equivocation: We didn't want to (yeah Hillary, I'm looking at you...).

You are tools. Yes. Tools.

Kant tells us that people are a priori to be treated as ends in and of themselves, and never as means: the human being is always a subject. Those "misled" fools on the hills allowed to themselves to be means, allowed themselves to be objects. De Beauvoir, in her Ethics of Ambiguity, calls these creatures "serious men" in that they deny their own subjectivity, and must therefore, deny the subjectivity of others, seeing people as means to an end. When the "misled" fools allowed themselves to be "misled", they forgot their humanity in favor of a neocon fantasy; choosing to be facillitators of history, they forgot the stuff of history, and, often times, its victims: The people-three thousand plus of ours, hundreds of thousands of Iraq's. The sad part is that these "fools" are allegedly the good guys. We expect the Administration and its sycophants to violate Kant's principle and conform to the very definition of the "serious men" because that's what cryptofascists are.

Thus, an enterprise such as this, began immorally, cannot be made moral because Iraq is now broken, and our continued presence there now threatens the peace in the region. Once objectified, always objectified.

However, there exists yet a chance at a redemption (it is Lent, after all) for our nation and its people, and that chance, believe it or not, may lie in the fact that Libby probably won't do a minute of time: If we use this opportunity, this official testimony of an Administration gone imperial, with no oversight, with no moral sense beyond the lip service it pays to its adherents, the official testimony of an Administration illegal to the point of being war criminals abroad and tyrannical at home, to actually go after these bastards who have objectified us all in service of the mythic "America", just as Hitler did with the "volk" of "Greater Deutchsland", we can reclaim our soul, reclaim our creed from these "serious men".

To accomplish this, at the very least, the Democrats who voted for this disaster need to publicly declare "Mea Culpa", and then, act like they have a spine. Immediate investigations into Cheney and Rove, because the testimony of the court as well as the testimony of the people make it such that, beyond reasonable doubt, that both are up to their fat wasp asses in this, and Libby is the patsy. Move to impeach Cheney.

Whether or not that happens, if Libby is incarcerated pending his appeal and Bush pardons him to keep his ass out of the slam, then I say, go after Bush as well.


P.S.: If any of you "conservatives", either in congress or out in the world have a conscience left, you'll follow it and get on board with this. Are you a Republican first, or a responsible citizen of these United States?

After all, deep down, you know I'm right...

Update to the Update:Rintrah Roar's First Epistle to The_Wizard:

Fri 3/9/2007 1:36 AM

"Before I get all uppity and rip you a new asshole, please help me to make sense of this paragraph:

Kant tells us that people are a priori to be treated as ends in and of themselves, and never as means: the human being is always a subject. Those "misled" fools on the hills allowed to themselves to be means, allowed themselves to be objects. De Beauvoir, in her Ethics of Ambiguity, calls these creatures "serious men" in that they deny their own subjectivity, and must therefore, deny the subjectivity of others, seeing people as means to an end. When the "misled" fools allowed themselves to be "misled", they forgot their humanity in favor of a neocon fantasy; choosing to be facillitators of history, they forgot the stuff of history, and, often times, its victims: The people-three thousand plus of ours, hundreds of thousands of Iraq's. The sad part is that these "fools" are allegedly the good guys. We expect the Administration and its sycophants to violate Kant's principle and conform to the very definition of the "serious men" because that's what cryptofascists are.

So means is agency, no? That is, the way in which a human being--a subject (as laid out in the Critique of Pure Reason--is used as an object? (Though, clearly, agency can cut both ways as passive and active depending upon the perceiver's positioning.) And ends are results, nes pas?

So we're on the same page, cf., "heteronomy," "subject," and "thing-in-itself":

"(b) Space is nothing else than the form of all phenomena of the external sense, that is, the subjective condition of the sensibility, under which alone external intuition is possible. Now,because the receptivity or capacity of the subject to be affected by objects necessarily antecedes all intuitions of these objects, it is easily understood how the form of all phenomena can be given in the mind previous to all actual perceptions, therefore a priori, and how it, as a pure intuition, in which all objects must be determined, can contain principles of the relations of these objects prior to all experience." (Critique of Pure Reason, "The Transcendental Aesthetic," "Of Space," Sub-section 4.b, "Conceptions of the foregoing Conceptions ["Of Space"]).

As in "subject" in the above passage is the human being and its capacity to be affected by external phenomena and noumena (in this case space): externality which can be manipulated (for good or ill) that affect the subject's (the human being's) mind and, thus, reason.

So returning to your paragraph . . . if "the human being is always the subject," does not that then mean that the human being is also the agency, the means by which the subject (the human being) is objectified? Please help me here. I'm daft and struggling.

Oh, and I think the final "serious men" allusion may refer to de Beauvoir as you've constructed the paragraph.

So yeah. In my classes when I say that a student of mine is a student for life? . . . not empty words, my friend.

This Guinness is for you,

Rintrah Roars "

The_Wizard Replies:
(Jesus, I feel creepy referring to myself in the third person...I can practically
feel a combover happening)

Friday, March 09, 2007 1:36 AM

Okay…om om shivaya…live long and prosper…

My reading of Kant (parochial, as you know) is a simple, lefty notion of not using people to further one’s one agenda-in this case politically…kind of like how stalin loved the people, just not anybody particularly…Always with dignity.

Perhaps it was the beer that mangled the jargon, but I also found it interesting that an echo of this can be found in the decidedly un-Kantian Existentialist thought. In this realm, subjects ( emphasis squarely on people) and objects (constructed “things”, for lack of a better word, like chairs, microwave ovens, and ideological state apparatuses) are assigned phenomenologically (we experience ourselves, and then chairs or ISA’s). Agency is, as you know, the positioning of being in that phenomenological space.

But what I really love is the fact that, given this, I am alive to witness “serious men” in action, with all their death angst and transcendent nationhoods. It is the fact that they never took responsibility to become “human”, accept their termination, and move to make meaning through liberation that makes them assign that which should be subjective to the objective: agency is reversed, and people become “the people” in this field of faux nationhood. State becomes person, person becomes a cog, because if the state survives, the “serious men” escape death in a holy communion which history and their own significance. It’s the same reason why people cling to God, essentially. Or chairs.

“Serious men”, to paraphrase De Beauvoir, are “often politicians”. Or become them-the manipulators of agency, for loftier, nobler (selfish) purposes-history…

What strikes me about how wrong things have gone is that, for all their seriousness, the are, by virtue of that fact, unable to act morally-or ethically, existentially speaking, because of their twisted sense of agency. Those “misled” democrats were only misled because, in a sense, they, too, have agency confused, are “serious” and, therefore, are dicking around while Iraq and all in it sputter like the death rattle of a sucking chest wound. Was it a sputter? No, it was gurgling…”It is a shoe”…”It is a sandal”…”IT IS A SHOE”.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sy Hersh

Bill Maher had Seymour Hersh on Real Time Friday, and, needless to say, it was illuminating. Crooks and Liars has the video, natch.

"A must see for any Music fan" - Paste Magazine.

Before The Music Dies

Hosted By:
Jon Sheperd

30 Mar 2007, 11:00 PM

The Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center
1028 Scott Blvd
Covongton, KY 41011
United States

Tickets: 859.957.1940 or

I strongly urge anyone who is pondering how the fuck Fall Out Boy got a record deal to see this film.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Playground/School Bus

Wonder what Ann Coulter's been up to lately...

"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot,’ so I — so kind of an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards. (video)"

Unfortunately, we didn't get to hear the part she was wisely advised to edit, where she goes on to tell Hillary to "suck my dick", which, of course, would confirm what we've always known about the old Adam's Apple: She's Strom Thurmond in drag.

via Brad (have you bought your ticket yet?)

Update: GOP backs away from Coulter, though Romney said of before Coulter spewed "I'm happy that after you hear me you're going to hear from Ann Coulter. It's important to hear from the moderates.''

Is this an indication of what Romney thinks as moderate?

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Mommy...We're bored...

Hey kids...need something to do?

Brad Thacker, friend of the blog and family to The_Wizard, commenced a five night stint opening for comedian/barroom hero/satirist and Libertarian Presidential Candidate Doug Stanhope last night at Go Bananas.I listened to Stanhope only recently, and if you like your comedy satirical absurd, provocative, and totally fearless, cough up a twenty and check out one of the shows this weekend. I'll be there Saturday late, as will other friends of the blog, in the self styled VIP section, sipping (okay, chugging) drinks of all varieties.

Check him out.