Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Samuel Bronkowitz Presents:

The Real Obama.

Looks like some real "American" had the guts to take out the worst threat since Alger Hiss.

via Covington Jim.

Update: The Birth of a Talking Point?

Also, Weye Kant Tukker rede?


To combat the rampant bias of Wikipedia, some genius has come up with Conservapedia, which, presumably, has no bias:

"Wikipedia allows the use of B.C.E. instead of B.C. and C.E. instead of A.D. The dates are based on the birth of Jesus, so why pretend otherwise? Conservapedia is Christian-friendly and exposes the CE deception."

Oh, and let's not forget the most compelling of cases:

"Wikipedia often uses foreign spelling of words, even though most English speaking users are American. Look up "Most Favored Nation" on Wikipedia and it automatically converts the spelling to the British spelling "Most Favoured Nation", even there there are far more American than British users. Look up "Division of labor" on Wikipedia and it automatically converts to the British spelling "Division of labour," then insists on the British spelling for "specialization" also.[3]. Enter "Hapsburg" (the European ruling family) and Wikipedia automatically changes the spelling to Habsburg, even though the American spelling has always been "Hapsburg". Within entries British spellings appear in the silliest of places, even when the topic is American. Conservapedia favors American spellings of words."

Well, thank God somebody had the nerve to stand up to no less an authority than Wikipedia, an encyclopedia written by just about anyone and everyone. And thank God and George Bush that we are now finally able to assert the supremacy of the American Way of Spelling.

Maybe I should write and submit Conservapedia article on the definition of Bias.

A Two-fer

Olbermann gives Condi Rice a history lesson, and Seymour Hersh further elucidates the bombshell.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Things like this just send a chill through my fucking blood:

"Vice President Cheney made an unannounced trip to Pakistan today and urged President Pervez Musharraf to step up efforts to counter resurgent Taliban and al-Qaeda activities in the lawless tribal areas bordering Afghanistan ahead of the radical Islamic groups' impending 'spring offensive'."

Just like Darth Vader inspecting the Death Star, no doubt. Besides, didn't we sign off on Musharraf's handling of the situation?

Update: Cheney gets greeted as a liberator:

"The Taleban have claimed responsibility for the attack and said that Mr Cheney was their intended target. However, American forces said the explosion was not a threat to the Vice-President, who was about a mile away at the time."

Jeez...I thought the Taliban were defeated. I guess Time Magazine is more prescient than pessimistic now.

True Lies

James Cameron stirs up a shit storm:

"It looks like things got rolling, buzz-wise, with a TIME magazine blog whisper on Friday, which outlined details on 90-minute documentary in which Mr. Cameron, along with journalist Simcha Jacobovici, say they have uncovered the burial cave of Jesus and his family — along with enough DNA evidence to establish, they say, that Jesus wasn’t resurrected and that Jesus sired a son with Mary Magdelene. "

Predictably, the Dark Ages Preservation society is in an uproar, shooting back with the same platitudes as always, and looking for the evil liberal Hollywood bogeyman behind this, reminiscient of the DNA tests that found that the aboriginal people of this continent are not, in fact, ancient Israelites, as the Mormons profess.

Who knows about the science behind this? It sounds interesting to be sure, but of course, there are those who don't want to hear it.

Since the millenia rolled, science and religion have been duking it out, and I always found it interesting the "faithful" deny science at every turn except when it makes it possible for women to have a litter, because then, its proof of God's Wisdom (What if God wants a particular woman to be infertile?).

Science, then, is nothing more than a vehicle for "faithful" to achieve egoistical ends as opposed to a guiding light to reason and wisdom. I say that if these people are truly opposed to science as they claim with their "Flintstone" Theology and what not, then maybe the next time one of their precious little wonders are sick with Leukemia, that they should pray instead, and see how their faith manifests.

Empire Redux

May I suggest a fairly obvious rationale for King George's threats to invade Iran:

The Iranian situation is particularly troubling, as the possibility of an attack on Iran by Western powers looms due to their alleged nuclear weapons ambitions. Such an attack could create serious oil supply disruptions, because Iran sits on the eastern flank of the Straits of Hormuz, the channel in which almost all of the oil from the Persian Gulf flows through on tankers to industrialized nations.

Potential supply problems for a commodity bring the speculators out like vulchers on a corpse.

Recently, there has been an increasing amount of speculation on the oil market, therefore the increase in price could be partially due to this oil speculation extending into the long term.

Which is why we in East Texas are practically spraying our pants from the joy of it all...

Oil prices reached a new high for the year during a volatile session Friday, driven by tensions with oil-producing Iran and expectations of continued ...

But, gol-dangit, there's always a catch as those fancy pants liberals at The New Yorker point out: by driving up the price of oil, US policy is helping to prop up Ahmadinejad and strengthen Iran's abilities to finance a nuclear weapons program. Dang.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Son of Iran-Contra

In the last six years, I have had the frightening feeling that I am living through the Eighties again. Periodically, names like Weinberger, Poindexter, et al. would emerge out of whatever black cavern they were cowering in, to help spread the manure around. Except for the quagmire, of course.

In this time, I've always wondered: Where's Georgie's illegal slush fund? Where's his Iran-Contra?


(Sorry...the link disappeared).

The Fall of the Empire

Bush, in his 2004 Re-election speech, made reference to his "political capital".

Like everything else, he's spent that and tried to borrow some more, but now it looks like the drums of war in regard to Iran might be a command exodus, according to the Times Online:

“'There are four or five generals and admirals we know of who would resign if Bush ordered an attack on Iran', a source with close ties to British intelligence said. 'There is simply no stomach for it in the Pentagon, and a lot of people question whether such an attack would be effective or even possible'.”

Needless to say, this would be a disaster: The loss the best and most experienced commanders would strategically cripple our ability to address threats. Bush has stretched the troops beyond the breaking point in order to carry on his bullshit war in Iraq, and it would seem that the people who know best are telling King George that such a move on Iran would be suicide. We are in no position to do anything except rain hell on the heads of the people King George claims to "protect": We The People. To engage Iran would be hubris of epic proportion, and a biblical level folly.

All of this may be to no avail, because everybody knows what happened to the others, including Colin Powell, who disagreed with the imperial talking point.

To any thinking, reasonable person, it has to now be crystal clear that Bush, Cheney and their minions are contemptuous of any reality beyond their ideological construct.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Felix Leiter

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You know how in the James Bond movies, Bond is always the cool one, on top of things and in control, while Felix Leiter, the C.I.A. agent who shadowed him, was always the macho asshole who was the last to know what was really going on.

We are Felix Leiter in terms of foreign policy as well:

"'We have been trying hard to get other nations to live up to the joint commitment Nato made to Afghanistan and provide more forces, forces which are authorised to fight', he said in a statement released by the Ministry of Defence."

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Idiot Wind

"Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your mouth,
Sadly, No! -ing down the backroads headin' south.
Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth,
You're an idiot, babe.
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe."

Monday, February 19, 2007

"The World in a Grave"

From The Times:

"WHEN Iraqi soldiers and police smashed their way into Mohammed al-Jabouri’s home on the first day of Baghdad’s latest security crackdown last week, he did not imagine they would steal the family’s life savings....

Later the same night, security forces raided a compound containing the homes of 110 university professors and their families. Professor Hameed al-Aathami described what happened: 'They dragged us out of our beds as we slept with our wives and children, took us outside, bound our hands and blindfolded us. They beat, cursed and insulted us'.”

Education is the firewall against extremism and fundamentalism, and I find it not so peculiar that, now, in that disaster Bush created, these are the exact people being targeted. Whatever hope there would be for a positive outcome is nothing but the echoing screams of these educators and their families in light of this intellectual pogrom.

Secular Democracy? I say that talking point is all but buried now.

UPDATE: Apropos, of course, is the fact that Al Quaeda is back with a little help from its friends (who by the by do have nukes) and, of course, President Numbnuts. Naturally, Pakistan denies it.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

George Carlin on the only ownership that matters

Carlin tells it like it is in this piece.

"It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it."

via C&R


Barack Obama just impressed the hell out of me.

War Ina Babylon: Persian Theater?

From the LA Times:

"If Iran wants to see a friendly government established in Iraq, it hardly lacks for reasons. Unlike the United States, Iran was attacked by Iraq, back when Hussein's regime enjoyed American support as a bulwark against Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's revolution. Hundreds of thousands of Iranians died during the Iran-Iraq war (1980-88). When Iraq used poison gas against Iranian troops, the United States uttered not a single protest."

Relatedly...Syria and Iran are calling the Iraq war a loser for us because, well it is, and if I might say, are making reasonable suggestions:

"The Syrian president and his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad issued a joint statement calling on the US to withdraw its forces from Iraq to enable the Iraqi government to return peace and stability to the country. "

Granted, one is a Baathist and the other one is a bit nutty, but hey...even nuts make sense from time to time.

However, this part I find interesting:

"The two presidents also called for the Middle East to be turned into a nuclear-free zone, demanding Israel's nuclear disarmament. "

Of course, we know that Israel doesn't have any nuclear weapons (?!), but I have to say that this actually sounds like a good idea for all concerned.

A pertinent question is how would such a thing be enforced? It would require good faith on the part of the historically uncooperative Syria and Iran to allow Weapons Inspectors to certify the lack of nukes. Similarly, it would also require Israel to fess up to their arsenal, and then allow the inspectors in. The final component would be for the United States quit fucking around over there, and maybe apply some pressure to Israel in regard to compliance.

I wonder why anyone would have a problem with a nuke free Middle East? Hasn't that been the point the whole time? I wonder if this can reasonably be pursued, or will it be another one that slips through our fingertips:

"Iran floated a proposal in May 2003, shortly after the fall of Baghdad, for a 'grand bargain' with the United States. It offered to back the 2002 Arab Summit's proposal for a two-state solution in Israel-Palestine and to end its military support for armed Palestinian groups as well as Hezbollah in return for the restoration of diplomatic relations with the United States."

UPDATE( 20.02.07): Iran is ready to talk. Maybe we could actually listen this time? Please?

An Inconvenient Truth

From the people who brought you Bin Laden...More fun and games from our "friends".

Friday, February 16, 2007

What an asshole

Not only is this guy (help me esquires) libelous...he actually thought about making a profit off of it. Cooler head prevailed, though I certainly hope some kind of karmic justice will be at work here.

The Mandate

I can only hope that this "non binding resolution" is the first step to something more substantial, and not just politicians jerking each off.

According to the New York Times, this is where we are at:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California:

'Friday’s vote will signal whether the House has heard the American people: no more blank checks for President Bush on Iraq. Our taxpayer dollars must go to protect our troops, to keep our promises to our veterans, and to provide for the safety of the American people. In light of the facts, President Bush’s escalation proposal will not make America safer, will not make our military stronger, and will not make the region more stable; and it will not have my support'.

Representative John Boehner, minority leader, Republican of Ohio:

'What we are dealing with here today isn’t even a resolution to debate the war itself. It is a nonbinding resolution attacking a single strategy in the prosecution of a much larger war. 'Nonbinding’ means nonleadership. It is not accountable, and I don’t think it is the right message for our troops'.”

Predictably, "Boner" shills, and why not: King George got him the job.

Update: Please find the video of Palpatine giving these piece of rhetorical genius:

"'This non-binding resolution serves no purpose other than pacifying the Democrats' political base and lowering morale in our military'.

Schmidt, a Republican from Miami Township, said she is disappointed that the House has failed to hold 'a real debate' about how to win the war. The discussion has really been just a political exercise that will accomplish nothing, she said, and speeches on the resolution have been designed 'to do no more than charge up one's own political base'.

'There will be no victory when our votes are tallied', Schmidt said. 'We will have every problem we began with, but be even further apart politically'.

'Tonight', she said Thursday, 'I believe we embarrass ourselves before our brave men and women in uniform, before the American people, and before our enemies.'"

I couldn't agree more.

Valentine's Day

The Mayor of Covington (the elected one, not Erik at the Strauss), in light of the shitty weather, declared this Saturday Valentine's Day, which is of course, the second day of the annual Mardei Gras.

I am perplexed as to why they would try to push forward with the Mardei Gras because the sidewalks are covered with glaciers, the street parking will be moved off of Main to the famously "well treated" Covington sidestreets, and who in their right mind will pay money to stand in near zero degree weather to get into a packed bar, and so, for the first time in ten years, the Wizard will not be enjoying Mardei Gras, choosing instead to hang with friends and girlfriend indoors.

At any rate, because Saturday is Valentine's Day, and in case anybody didn't catch it...here's Jason Jones of the Daily Show looking for a little Conservative something something.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Intellectual Property: The Mind of Mencia?

In my business, theft of intellectual property is perhaps the most serious ethical violation imaginable. We call this plagiarism.

People typically steal intellectual property in an attempt to get ahead by any means necessary, thus turning subjects into objects (just like the Bush Administration).

Sometimes, however, such thieves get rewarded. Thus, a guest post by Brad Thacker, Comedian:

"Carlos Mencia Proven Even More Douchey

Carlos Mencia, not respected by most stand ups due to his fake persona (isn't mexican, actually part Honduran and German. Real name is Ned, was told to play up a mexican persona by comedy store owner Mitzi Shore).

Has had feuds with George Lopez, Dave Chappelle, and Rev. Bob Levy for joke theft. Joe Rogan, (former host of "Fear Factor", one of the only groundbreaking comedians out there) has been calling him out the past year or so.

You can read the whole story on what stared the feud and the whole back story on Carlos here."

Update: Joe Rogan: Banned.

So...we actually reward this kind of behavior, with high profile television shows and the like. We kill the messenger.

I've watched a little of Mencia's show, and the first thing that popped into my head was "Hey...I liked this better when it was called Chappelle Show." Now I know why.

Funny Ha Ha

Did anybody actually watch this abortion...

In a related note (well, not really), the genuinely funny and brilliant local comic Brad Thacker, friend of the blog, is trying to get booked in the Comedy Tent at this year's Bonneroo. Drop a line and say "We want Brad".

You can see him with Doug Stanhope starting 02.28-03.04 at Go Bananas.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

WWJD?: My Michelle (Slight Return)

The Right Wing Noise machine wins one.

Amanda Marcotte spills the beans, and suffers the indignities.

It's amazing to me how vindictive these so called "Christians" are. Their faith must not be so strong, or Marcotte hit the nail on the head (from what I've read, I'd say that was pretty accurate).

Nevertheless, it looks like the bad guys may have won this one, though it is not clear exactly why the level of viciousness. Marcotte isn't saying anything that isn't taught in colleges and universities across the country (may that's it).

So, I guess the bad guys can all sit around and fondle their crucifixes, since they won one for God.

Whose God, of course, is the question at hand...

UPDATE: via the Tavern Wench, who asks us to consider the purely "coincidental" nature of this furor. Hincty...

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Hasty Generalization

Normally, I would leave the Cincinnati Enquirer beat to Brian over at Cincinnati Blog, but, while searching for the latest word on White Death, I stumbled upon this little gem:

"Teens who could rule the world"

The article, about teens who work to better their communities, locally and statewide, begins with this G.O.P approved nugget:

"There's been a lot of talk recently about how standardized testing and rigid curriculum are sucking the initiative right out of teenagers' souls.

We never quite bought it, but still it's nice to have evidence to the contrary."

Interestingly, this is one of the those anonymous editorials, so it looks like Armstrong Williams has found a new job, but I digress...

Notice how the editorial starts out, with a slap at the opponents of No Child Left Behind and the vocal critics (including this Magic-User) of Proficiency Testing as disasterous to students who would seek higher education by proving, without a shadow of a doubt, that exceptions exist. Thus...all is well in the Republic.

I am glad that exceptions exist, but that does not prove the rule. I teach young people who have been seriously disadvantaged by standardized testing. Basic language skills are hampered or non existant, and so, when they reach college, where no such tests exist, and thus, they have to try to learn what they should have been taught long ago, and given the hardwire of human linguistic potential, it's a struggle.

It's always funny in a sad way when the people who complain about the lack of "cultural literacy" in today's young people are often the same people who thought this was a good idea.

At it's core, the standardized testing/NCLB is anti-teacher, because far be it from professionals to point out that education is not a cheap prospect, nor is learning reducible to a percentage. People who abide by this quantitative epistemology usually would rather spend the money on bombs.

And isn't this really the crux of the matter: An ignorant populace is an easily controlled one, and because standardized testing privileges guessing over reason, ostensibly more "math" and "science" over language, the manipulation is much easier, because the logic in the former is not connected to the latter, and, suddenly, critical thinking vanishes.

But hey, Anonstrong Williams...What do you care? You probably voted down your districts levy anyway.



I'll concede a bit of hypocrisy here. I'll also wait for any and all right wing trolls to storm the gates, saying "Libruls, blah blah...tolerant...blah blah".

I've been saying that one of the BushCo's biggest fuck ups is acting unilaterally, and thumbing our nose at the international community.

Oh, and, by the way: I'm not a liberal. I'm a leftist. Understand the difference.

So, anyway, please excuse for what is about to follow...

"'If I was running al-Qaeda in Iraq I would put a circle around March 2008 and pray as many times as possible for a victory, not only for Obama, but also for the Democrats',Mr Howard said on the Nine Network's Sunday, referring to Senator Obama's plan to pull US troops out of Iraq by March next year."

Mr. Howard, acting as the recepticle for fellow Aussie Rupert Murdoch's delusional brain cast, is, of course, free to say anything he likes, and so am I:

Just how far has the NewsCorp right wing cock of death gone up this fucker's ass that he actually, as a world leader, spews Sean Hannity's talking points, in all earnestness. Really.

Now, I don't want to cast dispersions on Australians in general. I've known a few, and they seem like perfectly reasonable people. So how the hell does this guy get elected, espousing the literal Rupertastic talking point. What kind of people elect a fucker like this?

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Ah yes.

For some reason, I woke up with this damn song in my head...


For some reason, I get a cold, cold feeling...deep down inside...when I read something like this:

"'Unilateral, illegitimate actions have not managed to resolve any problems, but made them worse', Putin said. 'The wars, local and regional conflicts, have only grown in number'.

Arguing that the U.S. was ignoring international law in its use of military power, a clear reference to the invasion of Iraq, Putin said the legal constraints that once protected smaller, weaker nations were no longer viable.

'This is very dangerous', he said. 'Nobody feels secure anymore. No one can feel that international law is like a stone wall that will protect them. Of course, such a policy stimulates an arms race. The force's dominance inevitably encourages a number of countries to acquire weapons of mass destruction'."

Putin is articulating what is already painfully evident to most of us: The failure of the Bush Doctrine is the failure to imagine a world that has moved past the Cold War paradigm. Cheney, Rumsfeld-cold warriors until the bitter end, can only conceive of the world in oppositional monoliths, and were thus unable to see the problem terrorism as discrete pockets of ideological action.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Grab Ass/Brokeback Ronnie.

Evidentally, Bush the Elder likes to abuse his venerable position...by playing grab ass with a starlet.

Perhaps this was an attempt to show his son whose creepier, a kind of entitled brahman pissing contest.

But no matter how creepy the son gets, he'd be hard pressed to beat this Freudian slip...

As you can see, the eloquence is a Bush family legacy.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

My Michelle

Well well well, you never can tell...

Where Michelle Malkin will turn up.

How about on a mock Masterpiece Theater, doing "Amanda Pandragon's" greatest hits in an attempt to smear the the Edwards Campaign?

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Ted Haggard on completing "rehab":

"A minister involved in disgraced evangelist Ted Haggard’s intensive three-week counseling said the New Life Church founder is now 'completely heterosexual'.”

I feel sorry for this guy, actually. The self-loathing he goes through, and will continue to go through, all because he cannot accept who he is, all because he cannot accept that his world view might be a little skewed toward a particular ideological stance.


It seems that the love in between Lieberman and the NeoCons continues:

"[...] a former Democrat who still caucuses with the party but is backing the Bush Iraq strategy, urged his colleagues to forgo the Warner measure. 'This resolution is not about Congress taking responsibility. It is the opposite. This is a resolution of irresolution', Lieberman said, warning that it would 'discourage our troops'."

So the GOP gets a reprieve from the hot potato:

"Sen. John McCain[...] a leading supporter of the Bush Iraq plan — last week proposed a resolution that backed the new Iraq strategy, although it also expressed the need for the Iraqi government to meet certain benchmarks that it has long failed to achieve[...]

McCain was one of four senators who missed the vote. A spokeswoman said he was in Texas, and referred questions to his presidential campaign. A campaign spokesman did not respond to messages."

Mr. WarHawk couldn't be bothered to vote yesterday, choosing instead to campaign. Even Clinton and Obama voted.

What's likely to come out of this is an attempt at a filibuster by whatever friends Bush still has on Capitol Hill-Lieberman perhaps getting some payback? McCain's "finest" hour? Who knows? Funny, how Filabustering used to be the greatest evil facing Democracy:

"'The compromise also blocked Republican threats to change Senate rules to bar the use of filibusters to block judicial nominations, a step considered so drastic it became known as the 'nuclear option'."

Up or Down?

“'I think that Judge Roberts deserves an up-or-down vote, and I hope that the other members of that group agree with me', said Sen. John McCain”.

But I tell ya something: Lieberman may yet be a Vice Presidential candidate. Afterall, what better "bipartisan" show for, I dunno, John McCain to distance himself from an Imperial President, than someone who still caucuses Democrat. Bridge building, ya know.

Yeah, right.

Friday, February 2, 2007

My Kinda Town...

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65 E. Harrison, from the 5th Floor.

Yes, I know its a shitty pic, but its a shitty window.

I'm in Chi-Town, Super Bowl Weekend, looking for madness...plus cash and prizes.

They're charging me ten bucks for 24 hours of access here, so I don't know how much blogging will get done.

Anyway, say a prayer...I'm goin' in.

